The modular training route gives you the flexibility of enrolling on individual courses at your convenience to work towards a full commercial pilot license. Below are the breakdown of the individual courses you will need to complete to reach your final goal whether that is a private pilot’s license or going further and completing the commercial pilot training.

Aviation English Course

This language course provides interactive instruction to ensure the student meets ICAO-set Aviation English requirements and communicates effectively on the training. This program will also bridge language skills-gaps quickly and apply it in everyday operational context.

Airline Transport Pilot License

An ATPL is the highest licence a pilot can obtain and is the qualification that allows the holder to act as the Pilot in Command (PIC), or Captain of a large transport aircraft. We are offering classroom training for those students pilot aspires to when embarking upon a career as a professional pilot.

Type Aircraft Classroom Lecture

Multi-Engine Rating Course (ME)

The multi-engine rating can be added on to a private or commercial certificate. This license will allow the pilot to operate as pilot-in-command of an aircraft with more than one engine. 

Type Aircraft Piper Seneca II Twin Engine, Baron

Instrument Flight Rating Course (IFR)

This is added to a Private Pilot or Commercial Pilot License and refers to the qualifications that a pilot must have in order to fly under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) or almost zero visibility flight. The IFR is a basic requirement to apply in airlines.

Type Aircraft Cessna 172 Skyhawk, Cessna 172 Garmin 1000 and Piper Seneca II Multi Engine

Get in Touch

Airworks Aviation Academy

Lot 22, General Aviation Area, Mactan International Airport, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 6015, Philippines
(+63) 32 493-5123 (+63) 977-811-9910